Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a discount?
We offer $50 early-reservation discounts through August 31, 2024.

What is the size of the table and what do I get?
You will receive an 8’ covered/skirted table, two chairs and signage. Sponsorships offer additional benefits.

Is there any way to draw extra attention to my company?
Sure! Be a sponsor (three levels to choose from)! Sponsors are highlighted on the event website and on the Job Fair guide (given out to job seekers at the event). Sponsors receive many benefits prior to the event and during the event.

How can I be sure people will stop at my table?
Make sure the person staffing the table is engaging. Sitting and texting or talking on the phone signals to passersby that they aren’t important. Be positive and upbeat.

I only post positions online. I don’t think I need to do anything else.
Face-to-face events should be part of your overall hiring strategy. They enable hiring managers to pre-interview and evaluate a person’s attitudes and preferences and can capture verbal and non-verbal ques. A multi-faceted recruitment strategy (in person and online) identifies a broader range of candidates.

What if I can’t be there all day?
Staff your table in shifts; that way, nobody is out of the office for the entire event.

Why should I sponsor your event?
Sponsors receive benefits prior to as well as at the event. The greatest benefit is being part of our overall Job Fair marketing plan.

Do you have a variety of sponsorship levels?
Yes, depending on how much added exposure you want to receive, there is a variety of sponsorship levels to accommodate you. We would also be glad to work on creating something especially designed for you!

Do you give out the attendee list?
As a matter of privacy, we keep that list in-house. We do encourage you to capture contact info for future follow-ups with people you engage with at the Job Fair.

How early can I set up?
Final details are emailed to all employers prior to the event and include information such as setup time, table number, and other important details.

How is the Job Fair promoted?
Marketing of the events incorporates various media platforms, including local radio stations, TV, press releases, newpapers, Facebook, Instagram, billboards, yard signs, e-marketing, promotion through our publications, and more.
